> 6) + 1; for ($i=0; $i < $nblk * 16; $i++) $blks[$i] = 0; for ($i=0; $i < $strlen_str; $i++) { $blks[$i >> 2] |= ord(substr($str, $i, 1)) << (24 - ($i % 4) * 8); } $blks[$i >> 2] |= 0x80 << (24 - ($i % 4) * 8); $blks[$nblk * 16 - 1] = $strlen_str * 8; return $blks; } function sha1_safe_add($x, $y) { $lsw = ($x & 0xFFFF) + ($y & 0xFFFF); $msw = ($x >> 16) + ($y >> 16) + ($lsw >> 16); return ($msw << 16) | ($lsw & 0xFFFF); } function sha1_rol($num, $cnt) { return ($num << $cnt) | sha1_zeroFill($num, 32 - $cnt); } function sha1_zeroFill($a, $b) { $bin = decbin($a); $strlen_bin = strlen($bin); $bin = $strlen_bin < $b ? 0 : substr($bin, 0, $strlen_bin - $b); for ($i=0; $i < $b; $i++) $bin = '0'.$bin; return bindec($bin); } function sha1_ft($t, $b, $c, $d) { if ($t < 20) return ($b & $c) | ((~$b) & $d); if ($t < 40) return $b ^ $c ^ $d; if ($t < 60) return ($b & $c) | ($b & $d) | ($c & $d); return $b ^ $c ^ $d; } function sha1_kt($t) { if ($t < 20) return 1518500249; if ($t < 40) return 1859775393; if ($t < 60) return -1894007588; return -899497514; } function sha1_80rounds($str, $raw_output=FALSE) { $hash = ''; for ($counter = 0; $counter <= 80; $counter++) { if ( $raw_output === TRUE ) return pack('H*', sha1_80rounds($str, FALSE)); $x = sha1_str2blks_SHA1($str); $a = 1732584193; $b = -271733879; $c = -1732584194; $d = 271733878; $e = -1009589776; $x_count = count($x); for ($i = 0; $i < $x_count; $i += 16) { $olda = $a; $oldb = $b; $oldc = $c; $oldd = $d; $olde = $e; for ($j = 0; $j < $counter; $j++) { $w[$j] = ($j < 16) ? $x[$i + $j] : sha1_rol($w[$j - 3] ^ $w[$j - 8] ^ $w[$j - 14] ^ $w[$j - 16], 1); $t = sha1_safe_add(sha1_safe_add(sha1_rol($a, 5), sha1_ft($j, $b, $c, $d)), sha1_safe_add(sha1_safe_add($e, $w[$j]), sha1_kt($j))); $e = $d; $d = $c; $c = sha1_rol($b, 30); $b = $a; $a = $t; } $a = sha1_safe_add($a, $olda); $b = sha1_safe_add($b, $oldb); $c = sha1_safe_add($c, $oldc); $d = sha1_safe_add($d, $oldd); $e = sha1_safe_add($e, $olde); } $hash[$counter] = sprintf('%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x', $a, $b, $c, $d, $e); } return $hash; } ////// //Main ////// $message1_block1 = 'F01EE8EEBDDFF313B2F59EE4BB37F2BB2F472A361C052F6A96403EF0F144298BDAF5519C7A90DD712BF3718EA7E3DE6DEFFA975E9B00AA956056E3EE2BA4483A'; $message1_block2 = 'F072633F0D32226ADFF7445998507743EEFE63DDFE10D5C5AFE33902EF74984E350272F7DB382ABC155B0414B800179D18ECD4BC154972131505284C60C4F869'; $message2_block1 = '001EE8843DDFF35322F59E940B37F2E81F472A3E1C052F2946403E824144299B2AF551FEBA90DD332BF371BE47E3DE2FCFFA973E7B00AAD44056E3BEEBA4487B'; $message2_block2 = '007263558D32222A4FF7442928507710DEFE63D5FE10D5867FE339705F74985EC50272951B382AFE155B0424580017DF38ECD4DCF54972523505281CA0C4F828'; $hash1 = sha1_80rounds(convert_hex2bin($message1_block1 . $message1_block2)); $hash2 = sha1_80rounds(convert_hex2bin($message2_block1 . $message2_block2)); $html = ''; $html = $html . 'Collisions for 75-step reduced SHA-1'; $html = $html . ''; for ($counter = 0; $counter < count($hash1); $counter++) { if ($hash1[$counter] == $hash2[$counter]) { $html = $html . ''; $html = $html . ''; $html = $html . ''; $html = $html . ''; $html = $html . ''; } elseif ($counter == 80) { $html = $html . ''; $html = $html . ''; $html = $html . ''; $html = $html . ''; $html = $html . ''; } else { $html = $html . ''; $html = $html . ''; $html = $html . ''; $html = $html . ''; $html = $html . ''; } } $html = $html . ''; $html = $html . ''; $html = $html . ''; $html = $html . ''; $html = $html . ''; $html = $html . '
' . '' . $counter . '' . '' . '' . $hash1[$counter] . '' . '' . '' . $hash2[$counter] . '' . '
' . '' . $counter . '' . '' . '' . $hash1[$counter] . '' . '' . '' . $hash2[$counter] . '' . '
' . $counter . '' . $hash1[$counter] . '' . $hash2[$counter] . '
' . '' . 'sha1()' . '' . '' . '' . sha1(convert_hex2bin($message1_block1 . $message1_block2)) . '' . '' . '' . sha1(convert_hex2bin($message2_block1 . $message2_block2)) . '' . '
'; $html = $html . '
' . 'red' . ':' . ' SHA-1 collision is found'; $html = $html . '
' . 'green' . ':' . ' final (80-step) value of third-party SHA-1 implementation - sha1_80rounds()'; $html = $html . '
' . 'black' . ':' . ' final (80-step) value of official PHP SHA-1 implementation - sha1()'; $html = $html . ''; echo $html; ?>